About Us

The District is governed by a board of five supervisors.  Two of the supervisors are appointed to serve three year terms by the State Soil Conservation Committee, while three of the supervisors are elected to serve three years by the land owners within the District.  The present board consists of our Chairman, Don Johnson of the Denmark community.  Don was appointed by the State Soil Conservation Committee and has served on the board since 2003.  Our Vice-Chairman, Alan Ewell of the Rose Hill community was elected and has served on the board since 2016.  Our Secretary-Treasurer, Matt Griggs of the Mason Grove community was newly elected to the board in 2019.  Chris Couch of the Huntersville community was newly elected as a board member in 2019.  Jim Tyson of the Providence community was newly appointed as a board member by the State Soil Conservation Committee in 2020.  The State Soil Conservation Committee developed a Soil Conservation District Handbook as a reference guide for Soil Conservation Districts (list of West TN Soil Conservation Districts) and SCD supervisors.


The Madison County Soil Conservation District is located in Jackson, TN.  Jackson is located along I-40 80 miles east of Memphis and 120 miles west of Nashville.  We share our office with the Jackson Field Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).  Our address is 313 N Parkway within the Madison County Agriculture Complex.  Our building is in the back of the complex on the right as you face the complex from the parking lot behind it.  We share the complex with the UT Extension Service, the Farm Services Agency, and the Madison County Election Commission.  The complex is located next to and just east of the Madison County Farm Bureau office on Parkway.