The Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District is one of 95 such Districts in the state and one of 3,000 such Districts across the country. The District is a corporate and political subdivision of Tennessee state government, having the same geographic boundaries as those of Madison County, comprising some 358,000 cares. It was established by the state soil conservation committee at the request of Madison County landowners in 1941 and was organized in accordance with the purposes, provisions, powers and restrictions set forth within the Tennessee Soil & Water Conservation District Law 43-14-201 through 43-14-223. Madison County Soil & Water Conservation District was the ninth Soil & Water Conservation District to be organized in Tennessee. The District is governed by a board of supervisors composed of five landowners residing within the District. Two of the supervisors are appointed to serve three year terms by the state soil conservation committee, while three of the supervisors are elected to serve three years by the land owners within the District. The present board consists of Don Johnson, Chairman; Alan Ewell, Vice Chairman; Matt Griggs, Secretary-Treasurer; Chris Couch, Member; and Jim Tyson, Member.
The District was organized with the help of promotional work by T.W. Hillsman, U.T. Extension Agent, and John Aycock, Soil Conservation Service Conservationist. The District's first program of work was prepared on September 10, 1941. A Memorandum of Understanding was completed with the United States Department of Agriculture on September 26, 1941. A supplemental Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Soil Conservation Service on October 1, 1941.
The function of the District is to locate technical, financial and educational resources then coordinate and focus these resources toward the application of sound natural resource conservation practices. In meeting this purpose, the District works with and serves landowners, farmers, ranchers, wildlife advocates, conservationists, environmentalists, teachers, students, businesses, agencies, government officials, and the general public. We have a monthly board meeting every second Tuesday of each month with the exception of holidays, the availability of our board members and any other unforeseen circumstances that may arise.
The District is proud to be a member of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD), and the Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD).
Thanks to our sponsors we were able to have our Annual Awards Banquet this year! We couldn't do it without you!
Your Path to Soil Health FAQs

Many producers are enjoying the benefits of Soil Health but questions remain. The Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts and the Natural Resources Conservation Service are partnering to provide answers to the most frequently asked soil health questions on a webpage. In addition to the FAQ, visitors will be able to view a soil health photo gallery and videos.
Click to visit the Soil Health FAQ ...
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